Maxillofacial Radiologist
former, Division Director of Maxillofacial Radiology
former, Course Director of Oral Radiology
College of Dental Medicine
Columbia University
Affiliate Assistant
Professor of Dental Medicine
School of Dentistry,
University of Washington – Seattle
Cleber Silva
Dr. Cleber Silva is a Board-eligible Maxillofacial Radiologist. He attended undergraduate and dental schools at Columbia University and post-graduate training at Cornell University in New York City and the University of Washington in Seattle. He though Dentistry full-time at Columbia University from 2009 to 2020 and is currently in Private Practice. He is licensed in New York and New Jersey as a Dentist and holds a Specialty Permit in New Jersey.
After practicing General and Implant Dentistry for 13 years, Dr. Silva became a Faculty member at the College of Dental Medicine of Columbia University and was the Division Director of Maxillofacial Radiology and Course Director of Oral Radiology from 2016 to 2019.
Dr. Silva lectures nationally and internationally and has lectured at the 2016 & 2018 Greater New York Dental Meeting in New York City on topics in Radiology and Guided Surgery. As a PACE Provider, Dr. Silva offers Continuing Education courses on CBCT navigation, manipulation and interpretation, incidental findings on CBCT scans, implant surgical guide design and fabrication and a New York State mandated course for Dental Assistants & Hygienists.